North Wales Quakers




Your Guide
to Quakers

Advices and

What happens in
a Quaker Meeting?

Quaker Meetings
in North Wales

Quakers in Britain (BYM)
North West Quakers

What do Quakers believe?

The Quakers have developed from strong Christian roots. However, personal experience and action have always been more important then dogma. Therefore we do not have a creed, and are open to a wide variety of beliefs.

Some central beliefs hold us together as a religious community:

  • The light of God is in everyone.
  • Each person can have a direct, personal relationship with God - there is no need for a priest or a minister as a mediator.
  • Our relationship with God is nurtured by worship based on silent waiting.
  • The nature of God is love.

These beliefs lead us to strive for:

  • the equality of all human beings,
  • simplicity in our worship and in our way of life,
  • peace,
  • social justice,
  • the right to freedom of conscience,
  • a sense of shared responsibility for the life of our communities and the integrity of creation.

We sometimes refer to these as Quaker testimonies.